Friday, December 01, 2006


Just as I was getting comfortable having autos tell drivers where to turn, now one of those new-fangled cars, a Lexus I believe, does the one thing my mother, my sister, my wife and my daughter have never done successfully. Parallel park.

With the exception of my 14-year old daughter, whose unblemished parking record owes itself to her non-driving status, all the others have peeled back the sides of their cars and returned home with no explanation for why their vehicles shed their passenger sides. Maybe it's just my family.

Anyway, as an excellent parallel parker, I'm skeptical of machines entrusted to perform such complex tasks as parallel parking. A one-time resident of New York City, I learned to routinely shoehorn cars into spaces smaller than they were.

With a combination of advanced physics and wanton nudging, I was able to fit 10-foot cars into 6-foot spaces. After airbags were introduced, this was no longer possible. Even wearing a football helmet, the bags took their toll.

But even now when I parallel park, you can barely slip waxed dental floss between my car's bumper and those who would sandwich me in. And I've never picked up as much as a scratch.

Please understand me. Men are not better drivers than women. But historically, men have had to do the heavy parking. Backing chariots into parking spaces could not have been easy for gladiators in ancient Rome. And I don't expect women to see parked cars as the personal threats I do. Call it a blind spot, but I won't ask strangers for directions, and they won't learn how to parallel park. Or back up for that matter.

Why do certain people look out the front window when they are backing up? They'd prefer to see the world moving away from them, than the 90-year old man with osteoporosis flailing beneath their rear tires. My wife once dragged a Walmart shopping cart that had become wedged under her car, all the way home: a trip of 25 miles. Thank God the woman pushing the cart had let go.

My mother once tried to back out of parking space facing the front of a laundromat. She thought she had the car in "Reverse," so naturally she was looking out the front windshield at the laundromat. As it turned out, the car was in "Drive" and straining against the cement restrainer designed to keep her car from entering the laundromat.

Thinking it a problem of throttle, Mom goosed the gas. When the four-barrel kicked in, she hopped over the restrainer, and rocketed through the window of the laundromat. The sympathetic cop trying to calm her, explained she must not have seen the window getting closer given she was looking behind her. No, she corrected him. She saw the whole thing.

I could go on. I remember my sister, after getting a fill-up, backing away from the gas pump and into a telephone pole. The telephone man working at the top of the pole was catapulted to a different area code.

And my wife actually backed over a deer. Can you imagine the look on that deer's face? It was the first deer in history to be killed while frozen in the tail-lights.

Look -- who's counting? We've all had our mishaps. I don't want to get ahead of myself, so I think I'll backup for a moment.

Where was I? Oh, right. A self-parking car. Who would trust a car to parallel park itself? I mean, there are going to be times when you'll be parking between a Porsche and a Jaguar. Serious cars. What -- is Toyota going to send those nice rich people cashier's checks when some little diode goes blink in my Lexus -- and I leave $200,000 worth of cars looking like Sunni limos at a Shia wedding?

At least with Voice Navigation, the worst that can happen is you fall in love with the robo-woman giving you directions. Just don't ask her for directions on how to parallel park.

So, unless you're not a man, pass on the "Park-Me-Elmo" feature. You could well find yourself explaining to the very officer who just bent you over the back of your Lexus, how you destroyed three cars with one ill-conceived push of a button.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do certain people look out the front window when they are backing up? Funny, my driver-in-training daughter, is pulling this move off too, as i scream "look out the REAR window"......i just don't get it!

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naseous. Laughing.

9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. My husband backed into swimming pool once. And Bush has been backing into to the future, taking out countries as he goes.

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as far as the deer's expression, it's fair to say she was "seeing red"

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I resent this. I am an excellent parallel parker and I have never hit a deer - forwards or backwards!

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rick, you better buy your wife flowers. She clearly hasn't come to terms with backing over that deer.

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that rooster has his share of driving misshaps. none of us are perfect behind the wheel. insurance companies have solid statistics to prove that men do the majority of the damage.
parallel parking and driving directions should not be outsourced to computer chips. we need to use our brains or else they will go away....

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Save the flowers for Bambi. Regarding the guy who backed into the swimming pool--how'd he make out?

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He'd be with us today had there been water in the pool.

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has just taken me 15 minutes to clean my office and reboot the computer. I made the mistake of sipping hot coffee as I was reading today's installment.

One reason why men seem to like parallel parking is the instant gratification. It takes just moments and then you get out of your car and admire the beautiful job you did. If that is taken away, what on earth could we be proud of? --USCE

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pressed the "demo" button on the Nav system in Radio Shack last week and a very sexy female voice told me where to make my next turn.

I like to take long bike rides, alone, because that's the only time I don't have a woman telling me what to do.

Now, if they could only come up with a Nav system that tells you: "You're going too fast... too slow... too close... too hot... too cold... take the bridge... no, the tunnel... we're late..."

Then it can park the car automatically in a spot that's too far from the restaurant that neither one of you likes...

Now that's technology.

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous, I'm afraid you are suggesting replacing marriage with a chip. True? --USCE

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too, truly enjoyed this post. Very entertaining.

Just wanted to make sure that everyone knows there is also a serious problem related to the 'blind zones' behind all vehicles.

At least 50 children are being backed over in driveways and parking lots every WEEK. Forty-eight are treated in hospital emergency rooms and at least two are killed EVERY week.

Please visit our website to learn more about this epidemic and what can be done to prevent these unthinkable tragedies.

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:18 PM  

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